My beloved students,
Assalamualaikum and good morning.
How are you, guys? I hope you are enjoying your holidays. Wow! I could see more and more of you visiting my blog to ask for the homework. Good! So this is your homework...
1. Please refer to My Writing Module.
2. Turn to page 6, 7, 8, 11, 12,14 and 15.
3. Find the meaning for each and every word there.
4. Write only the meaning of the words in Bahasa Melayu.
5. You do not have to write the sentences for each word.
So that's all. I hope to see the complete work when we meet next week. Insya Allah.
Take care and wasalam.
Love from your teacher.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Dearest students,
You can check yourself if your answers match the right answer. We will further discuss the answers when we meet next week...
I know you can't wait for your result..but don't worry...your result is here with me... safe and sound...and you will know during the Temu Murni session....
Discussion on Tov 2011
You can check yourself if your answers match the right answer. We will further discuss the answers when we meet next week...
I know you can't wait for your result..but don't worry...your result is here with me... safe and sound...and you will know during the Temu Murni session....
Discussion on Tov 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Friday, January 28, 2011
Menyayangi Anak dan Menciuminya
Oleh: Tim Kajian Manhaj Tarbiyah
1 ـ عن أنس بن مالك ـ رضي الله عنه ـ قال : أََخَذَ النَبٍي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ إبراهيم ، فَقَبَّلَهُ وشمَّهُ رواه البخاري.. – Dari Anas bin Malik RA berkata: Rasulullah saw menggendong Ibrahim dan menciuminya. (HR. Al Bukhari)Ibnu Al Baththal berkata:
يَجوزُ تَقْبِيلَ الوَلَدِ الصغيرِ في كلِّ عَضُّو مِنْهُ ،وكذا الكبيرُ عند أكْثَرُِ العُلَماءِ ، مَالَ لَمْ يَكُنْ عَوْرِةُ ، فلا تُقَبِِلُ عورة الوَلَدِ
Diperbolehkan mencium anak kecil, di semua anggota badannya. Demikian juga orang dewasa –menurut mayoritas ulama-, kecuali auratnya. Maka tidak boleh hukumnya mencium aurat anak.
أخذ النبي ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ إبراهيم
Rasulullah mengambil anaknya –Ibrahim- dari ibunya Mariyah Al Qibthiyah,فَقَبَّلَه Mencium dengan mulutnya, وَشَمَّهُ mencium dengan hidungnya, sepertinya ia adalah ُ رِيحانَة: pengharumnya
Anak-anak itu diciumi serasa parfum – sepertinya. Rasulullah saw menerangkan dua cucunya Al Hasan dan Al Husain, dua putra Fatimah dengan kalimat:
هما ريحانتاي من الدنيا Keduanya adalah keharumanku di dunia. (HR Al Bukhari dari Ibnu Umar RA)
Kalimat, ريحانتاي من الدنيا berarti bagian parfum duniawiku.
Itulah ciuman yang Rasulullah saw lakukan kepada cucunya, menunjukkan cinta dan kasih sayangnya.
Hadits ini menunjukkan cinta anak dan menciumnya.
2 ـ عن أبي هريرة ـ رضي الله عنه ـ قال : قبل رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ الحسن بن عليّ ، وعنده ـ الأقرع بن حابس التميمي ، جالساً ، فقال الأقرع : إن لي عشرة من الولد ما قبلت منهم أحداً ، فنظر إليه رسول الله ـ صلى الله عليه وسلم ـ ، ثم قال : ” من لا يرحم لا يرحم “ .رواه البخاري .
Dari Abu Hurairah RA berkata: Rasulullah saw menciumi Al Hasan bin Ali, di hadapan Al Aqra’ bin Habis At Tamimiy yang sedang duduk. Lalu Al Aqra’ berkata: Sesungguhnya aku memiliki sepuluh anak, dan aku belum pernah menciumi seorang pun. Lalu Rasulullah saw memandanginya dan bersabda: “Barang siapa yang tidak menyayangi maka tidak akan disayangi” (HR. Al Bukhari)
Rasulullah saw mencium Al Hasan bin Ali RA Putra Fathimah RA.
Al Hasan lahir pada tahun 2 (dua) Hijriyah.
Ketika itu Al Aqra’bin Habis At Tamimiy sedang duduk berada di hadapan Rasulullah saw. Ia seorang muallaf, sehingga Islamnya menjadi baik.
Rasulullah saw melihatnya dengan pandangan yang kurang menyenangkan karena ia tidak pernah mencium anaknya.
Kemudian Rasulullah saw bersabda, untuk merubah sikapnya terhadap anak-anaknya, sehingga anaknya merasakan kasih sayangnya dengan menciuminya.
من لا يرحم لا يرحم Barang siapa yang tidak menyayangi maka ia tidak disayangi.
من لا يرحم لا يرحم Huruf ya pertama di baca fathah dan ya’ kedua dibaca dhammah. Boleh juga kedua ya’ dibaca rafa’ (huruf mim dibaca dhammah) dengan menstatuskan kata “Man” sebagai isim Maushul. Atau keduanya dibaca jazm (mim dibaca sukun/mati) dan kata Man berstatus syarat. Namun pada umumnya para rawi membacanya dengan rafa’.
Jawaban Rasulullah kepada Al Aqra menunjukkan bahwa mencium anak itu bertujuan untuk menunjukkan kasih sayang dan perhatian, bukan kelezatan atau syahwat.
Kata “rahmat” kasih sayang dari sesama makhluk adalah kelembutan hati yang membuat seseorang memuliakan, dan ihsan (berbuat baik). Rahmat dari sesama makhluk adalah termasuk dalam amal shalih, sedangkan rahmat dari Allah swt adalah balasan atas amal shalih yang dilakukan.
Sesungguhnya orang yang berfikir dan bersemangat untuk membuat kebaikan pada dirinya sendiri akan berusaha agar rasa kasih sayang itu menjadi akhlaq dan kepribadiannya, agar mendapatkan rahmat Allah dan kasih sayang sesama manusia. Barang siapa yang menyayangi ia akan disayangi, dan sebaliknya; barang siapa yang tidak menyayangi maka tidak disayangi.
Dari hadits di atas dapat disimpulkan antara lain:
- Masyru’iyyah (disyariatkannya) mencium anak, dan hal ini adalah sunnah Nabi yang mulia.
- Orang yang tidak menyayangi sesama manusia dan makhluk hidup lainnya akan terhalang dari rahmat Allah, dan kasih sayang sesama manusia. Karena balasan itu serupa dengan amalnya.
- Orang yang menyayangi orang lain mendapatkan keberuntungan rahmat Allah dan kasih sayang sesama manusia yang akan menjadi penolong di kala sempit dan pembela pada saat yang dibutuhkan
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
The Ten Study Habits of Successful Students

Successful students:
- Try not to do too much studying at one time.
If you try to do too much studying at one time, you will tire and your studying will not be very effective. Space the work you have to do over shorter periods of time. Taking short breaks will restore your mental energy. - Plan specific times for studying.
Study time is any time you are doing something related to schoolwork. It can be completing assigned reading, working on a paper or project, or studying for a test. Schedule specific times throughout the week for your study time. - Try to study at the same times each day.
Studying at the same times each day establishes a routine that becomes a regular part of your life, just like sleeping and eating. When a scheduled study time comes up during the day, you will be mentally prepared to begin studying. - Set specific goals for their study times.
Goals will help you stay focused and monitor your progress. Simply sitting down to study has little value. You must be very clear about what you want to accomplish during your study times. - Start studying when planned.
You may delay starting your studying because you don't like an assignment or think it is too hard. A delay in studying is called "procrastination." If you procrastinate for any reason, you will find it difficult to get everything done when you need to. You may rush to make up the time you wasted getting started, resulting in careless work and errors. - Work on the assignment they find most difficult first.
Your most difficult assignment will require the most effort. Start with your most difficult assignment since this is when you have the most mental energy. - Review their notes before beginning an assignment.
Reviewing your notes can help you make sure you are doing an assignment correctly. Also, your notes may include information that will help you complete an assignment. - Tell their friends not to call them during their study times.
Two study problems can occur if your friends call you during your study times. First, your work is interrupted. It is not that easy to get back to what you were doing. Second, your friends may talk about things that will distract you from what you need to do. Here's a simple idea - turn off your cell phone during your study times. - Call another student when they have difficulty with an assignment.
This is a case where "two heads may be better than one." - Review their schoolwork over the weekend.
Yes, weekends should be fun time. But there is also time to do some review. This will help you be ready to go on Monday morning when another school week begins.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
How To Set Goals
December 15th, 2008 by Kevin Ngo
If you’re reading this post on how to set goals, either you’ve never set goals before, or you’re curious if this technique is different than from what you already know. Goal setting is pretty basic so you can probably go onto the next post on how to achieve goals if you already know how to set goals. Yes, there’s a difference.
Setting goals is like setting up bowling pins. If you set it up correctly, knocking them down will be easier. If you happen to miss, don’t worry, unlike in bowling, you have more than just 2 tries. It doesn’t matter how you do it or how many tries it takes, as long as you knock those pins down, you’re golden. Now if you set those pins up incorrectly, knocking them down will be a lot harder and you might just end up quitting.
If you’re reading this post on how to set goals, either you’ve never set goals before, or you’re curious if this technique is different than from what you already know. Goal setting is pretty basic so you can probably go onto the next post on how to achieve goals if you already know how to set goals. Yes, there’s a difference.
Setting goals is like setting up bowling pins. If you set it up correctly, knocking them down will be easier. If you happen to miss, don’t worry, unlike in bowling, you have more than just 2 tries. It doesn’t matter how you do it or how many tries it takes, as long as you knock those pins down, you’re golden. Now if you set those pins up incorrectly, knocking them down will be a lot harder and you might just end up quitting.
Here’s what I mean about setting your goals correctly. Your goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, flexible, and have a deadline.
How To Set Goals: Goals need to be...
SpecificNot being specific is like setting each pin on a different lane, it’s too spread out. You’re going to spend way too much time walking from lane to lane. If you’re vague about what you want, you won’t have any focus and will be spending more time and energy than you have to. If you want more money, my question is how much? If you want a new car, what model, what make, what color? You get the idea.
MeasurableA goal not being measurable is like not knowing if a pin has been knocked down or not. If you can’t measure your progress to see whether or not you’re getting closer to your goal, you’ll be running in circles. You’ll be trying to knock down a pin that’s already knocked down or isn’t even there. Or worse, you get on someone else’s lane and knock their pin down while actually believing that you’re knocking down your own pin. (Working your whole life to make your boss/master rich… in case you didn’t get that joke)
Other people need to be able to look at your progress and be able to tell whether or not you’re getting closer to your goals. Financial goals are easy to measure. Weight goals are easy to measure. A goal to be happier isn’t. How do you even measure that? A better goal would be to laugh for 30 seconds, 20 times a day.
AttainableA goal that isn’t attainable is like trying to get a strike using a ping pong ball. Some people will advise to set gigantic goals, even if you feel it’s too far out of your reach because who knows what you’re capable of, anything is possible.
Although I believe each of us have possibilities far beyond our current beliefs about what we can do, I also believe we need to be intelligent. Thinking you can go from 0 to $1million by tomorrow isn’t intelligent and neither is losing 25 lbs by dinner time without surgery.
This doesn’t mean to set small easy goals however. You want to set goals that are “out of reach, but not out of sight”. They need to be big enough to force you to grow, get out of your comfort zone, but not too big to the point you believe it will take a miracle to accomplish. Yes, miracles happen, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
FlexibleA goal not being flexible is like continuing to bowl with a ball that’s way too heavy or doesn’t fit your fingers. You’ll find that many times your original path towards your goal won’t end up being the one that will lead to your goal. If your goal is to lose weight and starving yourself hasn’t given your long lasting results, find another way. Be flexible enough to change directions and take a different path if necessary as long as it leads to your goal.
DeadlineHaving a goal without a deadline is like rolling the ball once then saying you’ll roll the ball again 2 years from now and expect the other players to be okay with that. A goal without a deadline is a dream. It’s never going to happen. It’s when you set a time frame upon which you will accomplish the dream by, will it become a goal. If there isn’t a deadline, what reason would you have to even get started? It’s like saying you’ll clean your garage when you get around to it and actually believing you’ll somehow get around to it.
So there you have it. Your goals need to be specific, measurable, attainable, flexible, and have a deadline. You now know how to set goals. Now go set up those pins!
In the next post, I will discuss how to actually achieve those goals once you have them set up. How to set goals and how to achieve them are different, find out how.
Seriously, now that you know how to set goals, actually take the time to do it. Your life won't change by reading. It changes by doing.
Until next time...
Love Life. Do Good. Live Well.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Siapakah yang mengajarkan burung ini
![]() | Phenomena yang membuat takjub para ulama terhadap dunia burung, karena burung diciptakan …. |
Phenomena yang membuat takjub para ulama terhadap dunia burung, karena burung diciptakan dan terdapat dalam otaknya system yang mengajarkannya dan menuntunnya untuk mencari rezki dan member makan kepada anak-anaknya..

Burung ini berusaha mendekatkan paruhnya untuk memberi makanan tanpa belajar akan hal tersebut, dan para ilmuwan menegaskan bahwa seluruh makhluk hidup "terprogram" dalam bentuk yang canggih untuk mengarahkan kerjanya secara sempurna, dan dalam bentuk jaminan berkembang biak dan menjaga kelestariannya… mereka bertanya-tanya: siapakah yang memberikannya ilham dan mengajarkan tekhnik yang canggih dan akurat ini? Dan siapakah yang memberinya petunjuk pada makhluk ini untuk melakukannya tugasnya dengan baik? Kami sampaikan Dia adalah Allah SWT yang berfirman:
قَالَ رَبُّنَا الَّذِي أَعْطَى كُلَّ شَيْءٍ خَلْقَهُ ثُمَّ هَدَى
"yang telah memberikan kepada tiap-tiap sesuatu bentuk kejadiannya, kemudian memberinya petunjuk". (Toha:50)
Oleh: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel
Friday, January 21, 2011
Schooling problems: We are worn out
Students stand for long hours during the weekly school assembly and are expected to remain silent.
SCHOOL life is turning out to be a torture.Below is the typical routine of an average student in a single session school. We have to be in school by 7.15am, which means we have to be out of the house by 6.40am the latest.
On Mondays, we have assembly. We stand for between 40 minutes and two hours while the teachers sit. Some even talk to each other during the assembly. But we students are supposed to remain standing in silence, and listen to the same lecture week after week.
Then classes start, so we cannot eat breakfast. But one can see a group of teachers sitting in the canteen and eating.At 10.30am, we get a 20-minute break within which everything must be done, that is, going to the toilet, eating, buying books from the cooperative and changing if we just had physical education.
Sometimes, the teachers let us out 10 minutes late. So, we only have 10 minutes left. After recess, it is back to class until 3.10pm from Monday to Thursday.We don't get a lunch break. Why aren't we given a break?
By the time we get home after school, it is usually 4pm. So, lunch is at 4pm. Sometimes by 4.30pm, we are required to go back to school for sports practice. Sports practice is usually running around the field. This ends at 6pm. Then we get home, gulp down something fast and start on our homework, which can last from two to four hours.
The earliest we get to bed is midnight. This is without doing any housework, such as washing clothes, shoes, making the bed, ironing, etc.Isn't this against the fundamental rights of a child? Does the Education Ministry think that children can excel under such conditions?
Why should a 16-year-old spend such long hours studying? If that is not enough, on Saturdays, we are called back for all sorts of programmes, from extra classes to Kem Pembinaan Sahsiah. Even on Sundays, we are expected to go to school.
When my parents approached the school to go slow on the programmes, the principal said the school was judged by the number of programmes it undertook. There are so many things that can be done to make schools more comfortable.
For example, better toilets to start with. When one complains to the school authorities, they say students do not take care of the toilets. Any public amenity with heavy-duty usage needs constant maintenance. This is the area that the ministry must give priority to when carrying out school programmes.Why can't assemblies be held in the hall where there are chairs for students to sit, and teachers do their duty by keeping an eye on the students?
I appeal to the education minister to talk to students. I appeal to him to look into the plight of the thousands of schoolchildren who suffer day in and day out. And please reduce the school hours.
My life as a child is being robbed by the very people who I expect to protect me
Read more: Schooling problems: We are worn out
Menurut riwayat sebahagian ulama salaf pada masa lalu, bahawa da seorang lelaki telah menziarahi saudara perempuannya yang telah meninggal dunia. Semasa menguburkan mayat wanita itu, tiba-tiba dompetnya yang berisi wang telah terjatuh ke dalam kubur saudarna tanapa diketahui seorang pun hingga dia pulang ke rumahnya. Apabila dia teringat akan dompet itu, dia kembali semula ke kubur itu, dana menggali kubur itu semula. Maka alangkah terperanjatnya bila kubur itu memancarkan api yang menyala-nyala, maka segeralah ditimbusnya semula kubur itu dengan tanah.
Dengan takjub dan menyesal, lalu dia kembali ke rumahnya menemui ibunya sambil menangis teresak-esak dan mengatakan:”Oh ibuku! Ceritakanlah padaku berkenaan saudar perempuanku ini, apa amal yang telah dikerjakan selama ini?” Si ibu merasa terperanjat dan bertanya:”Kenapa engkau bertanya demikian?” Katanya pula: ”Saya lihat kuburnya keluar api!” Dia kemudian menceritakan seterusnya.
Mendengar cerita itu, lalu ibunya menangis dan berkata: ”Hai anakku! Saudara perempuanmu itu tidak berbuat apa-apa, selain dia suka meremehkan waktu solat daripada waktu yang sebenarnya.”
Itulah akibatnya orang yang suka melewatkan solat hingga keluar waktunya. Kalau hanya melewatkan solat saja sudah tentu boleh berlaku begini, maka bagaimana pula halnya jika orang itu tidak mendirikan solat langsung!
Kita memohon kepada Allah s.w.t. moga-moga Dia dapat memberikan kita taufik untuk menjaga solat kita serta dpat mengerjakannya tepat pada waktunya, dan sesungguhnya Allah itu Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mulia.
Friday, January 14, 2011
By Syed Abu’l Ala Mawdudi (
Undoubtedly you often ask yourselves: Why is it that the Prayer, good and beneficial as it is, seems to make no difference to our lives? Why does it neither improve our morals, nor transform us into a force dedicated to Allah? Why do we continue to live disgraced and subjugated?
The usual answer will be that you are not offering the Prayer regularly or in the manner prescribed by Allah and the Messenger. Such an answer may not satisfy you. I shall therefore try to explain the matter in some detail.
Parable of the Clock
Look at the clock fixed to the wall: there are lots of small parts in it, joined to each other. When you wind it, all the parts start working and, as these parts move, the result appears on the clock face outside it which you observe. Both hands move to denote each second and each minute. The purpose of the clock is to indicate correct time. All those parts which are necessary for this purpose have been fitted together and the winding system has been made so that each of them moves as required. Only when all the parts have been assembled correctly and the clock wound up properly will it begin fulfilling the purpose for which it is made. If you do not wind it, it will not show the time. If you wind it but not according to the prescribed method, it will stop or, even if it works, it will not give the correct time. If you remove some of the parts and then wind it, nothing will happen. If you replace some of the parts with those of a sewing machine and then wind it, it will neither indicate the time nor sew the cloth. If you keep all the parts inside the case but disconnect them, then no part will move even after winding it up. The presence of all the parts will not serve the purpose for which the clock is made because you will have disrupted their arrangement as well as their connection.

Aim of Muslim Ummah
Imagine Islam like this clock. Just as the purpose of the clock is to indicate the correct time, so the aim of Islam is that you should live in this world as the vicegerents of God, as witnesses of God unto mankind and as standard-bearers of truth.
You must yourselves follow the commandments of God and bring all other people under Him: You are indeed the best community brought forth for mankind: you enjoin the doing of right and forbid the doing of wrong, and you believe in God (Al-Qur'an 3: 11O) .
And thus We have made you a just community, that you might be witnesses unto mankind (Al-Qur'an 2: 143).
God has promised those of you who believe and do righteous deeds that He will surely make you to accede to power on earth (al-Nur 24: 55). And fight them, until there is no rebellion [against God], and all submission is to God alone (Al-Qur'an 8: 39).
Wholeness of Islamic Teachings
Wholeness of Islamic Teachings
To fulfil this purpose, various parts as were required, like those of the clock, have been brought together in Islam. Beliefs and principles of morality; rules for day-to-day con- duct; the rights of God, of His slaves, of one's own self, of everything in the world which you encounter; rules for earnmg and spending money; laws of war and peace; principles of government and limits of obedience to it - all these are parts of Islam.
As in a clock, they are linked to each other in such a way that as soon as the winding is done, every part starts moving and, with the movement of all these parts, the desired result is obtained. Rule of Godss law in the world, domina- tion of Islam, start manifesting just as, with the movement of the parts of the clock in front of you, the time appears on its face.
In order to fasten together different parts of the clock, screws and small pieces of metal have been used. SimilarlY, to join all the parts of Islam together, there is an arrangement called the Jama'ah or organization. Muslims should organize themselves, and have leaders equipped with proper knowledge and endowed with taqwa; the brains should help them and the limbs should obey them, as they all strive to live under God.
When all the parts have been brought together and properly assembled, regular winding is necessary to set them in motion and to continue their movement: Salah which is offered five times a day provides that winding, creating the energy which sets an Islamic life in motion. Cleaning this clock is also necessary: fasting observed for thirty days a year cleanses hearts and morals.
Lubrication, too, is required: Zakah is like the oil which is applied to its parts once a year. Then it is also necessary to overhaul it periodically: Hajj is that overhauling which should be performed at least once in a lifetime. And the more often it is done, the better.
Abusing the Clock
The processes of winding, cleaning, lubricating and overhauling are of use only when all the parts are present in the frame, when they are linked in the order designed by the clock-maker, and when all are so trained that immediately on winding they start moving and begin showing results. Alas, today the situation has become very different.
For a start, the very Jama'ah, the organizational structure, which was supposed to link the parts of the clock together has ceased to exist. The result is that all the fittings have come apart, each has gone its own way. Everybody does whatever takes his fancy. There is nobody to question anything. Everyone is autonomous. If someone wants to follow the Islamic code, he can; if he does not want to, he need not.
Since even this so-called freedom has not satisfied you, you have pulled out many parts of the clock and in their place put anything and everything: a spare part from a sewing machine, perhaps, or from a factory or from the engine of a car. You call yourselves Muslims, yet you render loyal service to Kufr, yet you take interest, you insure your lives, you file false law suits, your daughters, sisters and wives are forsaking Islamic manners and your children are being given secular materialistic educations. Some have become disciples of Gandhi; others are following Lenin.
Which un-Islamic gadget is there that you have not fixed into the frame of the clock of Islam? Despite this, you expect the clock to work when you wind it! And you suppose that cleaning, lubricating and overhaul- ing it will also be of use. With a little reflection, however, you should see that in the condition to which you have reduced the clock you can wind it, lubricate it, and overhaul it, for the whole of your lives without any effect.
Nothing will happen until you remove the parts brought in from other appliances, replace them with the original parts, and restore the original priorities. Then, and only then, will the winding and so forth produce any results. Why Worship Rites Are Ineffective This state of affairs is the real reason why your Salah, Sawm, Zakah and Hajj make no impact upon your lives. First, there are so few among you who perform these acts of worship. Due to the dissolution of Islamic Jama'ah everybody has become autonomous. Whether you fulfil your obligations or not, there is nobody to care. Nor do those who do apparently carry out their obligations do so in a proper manner. They are not constant in attending the congrega- tional Prayer. People are selected to lead the Prayers in the mosques simply because they are fit for no other work: people who exist on the free bread doled out to mosques, who are uneducated, who lack moral calibre. How can congregations led by them turn you into the leaders of mankind?
Similar is the situation regarding your Fasting, Almsgiving and Pilgrimages. Despite all these facts, you may argue, there are nonetheless many Muslims who do discharge their religious duties conscientiously. Why does that make no difference? But, as I have said, when the parts of the clock have become unhinged and numerous foreign bodies have been inserted in it, it makes no difference if you wind it or not, clean it or not, lubricate it or not. From a distance it does look like a clock. An outside observer may say: This is Islam and you are Muslims. But what he cannot see is how badly its inside machinery has been tampered with.
Our Deplorable Condition Brothers! You understand why it is so that you pray and fast and yet remain trampled under the heel of cruel tyrants. But, should I tell you something even more distressing? Although most of you no doubt regret this situation but, I would say, 999 people out of 1000 are not prepared to change their situation. They have no urge in their hearts to assemble the clock of Islam again properly. They are afraid that any such reconstruction would mean that their own favourite im- ported parts would be thrown out, and this they are not prepared to accept. They are afraid that any tightening of various parts would mean that they will have to discipline themselves, and this they are not willing to undertake.
Instead, they prefer that the clock remains a piece of decoration on the wall for people to be shown and told how wonderful Islam is, what miracles it can perform. Those who are supposed to love this clock more than others would like to wind it repeatedly and zealously and to clean it most laboriously; but they want to do nothing to reset its parts properly or tighten them, nor will they seek to get rid of the extraneous parts.
I wish I could endorse your attitudes and behaviour, but I cannot say anything which I believe is wrong. I assure you that if, in addition to praying five times a day, you were to offer Tahadjud (pre-dawn), Ishraq (post-sunset) and Chasht (mid-morning) Prayers, read the Qur'an for hours every day, and observe, over and above Ramadan, extra fasts for five and a half months in the remaining eleven months, you would still achieve nothing. What is needed is to restore the original parts to the clock and fix them firmly. Then even the little necessary winding will make it work smoothly; and the minimal amount of required cleaning and lubrication will be needed. Wa ma 'alayna illa 'l-balagh There is no responsibility on us except conveying the truth.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Apa Hasilnya Aku Membaca Al Qur’an?
Wahai saudaraku,
Cuba kita renungkan jika terdapat seorang Raja yang agung di dunia ini mengirimkan surat kepada salah seorang rakyatnya. Ketika surat tersebut telah sampai, tentulah ia akan bersuka cita dan merasa bangga. Dibacanya secara perlahan-lahan dengan suara yang indah. Inilah isi surat tersebut :

Dari : Raja yang Mulia Fulan
Untuk : Fulan bin fulan
Aku perintahkan engkau untuk datang kepadaku demi menghadiri majlisku.
Si pengirim pun pulang setelah mengantarkan surat tersebut. Datanglah hari berikutnya dan ternyata si pembaca surat tak muncul di majlis Sang Raja. Akhirnya Sang Raja mengutus orang kedua untuk menanyakan kabar si pembaca surat. Kemudian sang utusan pun melapor, Si pembaca memegang erat suratmu dan merenunginya.
Namun kenapa ia tak hadir? Bukankah telah kuundang ia untuk datang ke mari? Tanya Raja
Namun ia menghormati risalahmu wahai raja. Dibacanya berulang-ulang dengan indah dan penuh dengan adab!
Katakan padanya untuk datang kepadaku besok atau lusa! Jawab Raja.
Hari berlalu, si pembaca pun tak nampak batang hidungnya.
Berkata sang pengawal, Ia masih membaca suratmu, apakah itu tak cukup bagimu?
Tapi mengapa ia tak menghampiriku?! Raja pun menjadi marah.
Dari kisah tersebut, apakah Raja bisa puas dengan jawaban pengawal? Ataukah justru jawaban itu membuatnya jengkel?
Begitu pula Al-Qur’an yang telah Allah turunkan ke hati Sayidina Muhammad. Kita telah diperintahkan untuk membaca dan merenunginya supaya kita datang kepada Allah.
Allah berfirman, Bersegeralah kepada ampunan Tuhanmu.Bukankah sang raja dari segala raja telah mengatakan kepada kita untuk bersegera menuju ampunan Allah?
Di dalam firman Allah lainnya, Menujulah engkau kepada Allah.Kita dapati sang raja dari segala raja telah mengatakan kepada kita, Datanglah kau kepada-Ku Hampirilah Aku
Maka bagaimana dengan kita yang hanya bagus membaca Al Qur’an tapi tak mau menuju kepada Allah? Apakah untuk ini Al Qur’an diturunkan? Atau kita yang tak memahami maksud diturunkannya?
Imam Hasan Basri pernah menegur para pembaca Al Qur’an di zamannya. Beliau berkata, Sungguh buruk kalian, bukankah Allah menurunkan Al Qur’an untuk kalian baca dan kalian amalkan?! Namun kini kalian jadikan Al Qur’an sebagai pekerjaan membaca semata!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Langkah Mewujudkan Keyakinan Diri
- Anggapkan diri anda yang diciptakan oleh Allah adalah sama seperti orang lain.
- Jika orang lain boleh buat, kenapa anda tidak boleh buat?
- Kenal pasti kekurangan atau kelemahan yang ada pada diri anda dan baikinya.
- Jangan takut-takut atau teragak-agak untuk melakukan sesuatu yang positif.
- Elakkan perasaan malu yang tidak bertempat.
- Lakukan riadah yang ringan sebelum melakukan sesuatu pekerjaan, ianya sebagai pemanas badan yang dapat mengaktifkan diri seseorang.
- Sentiasa mengemas diri dan anggapkan diri anda adalah terbaik pada hari itu.
- Apabila berinteraksi pandang tepat pada muka dan mata orang yang kita sedang berinteraksi dan gunakan sedikit pergerakan tangan untuk menerangkan sesuatu. Jangan terlalu kaku.
- Apabila memulakan sesuatu tugas jangan memikirkan tentang masalah, tetapi fikirkan tentang hasilan yang akan diperolehi selepas tugas tersebut selesai.
- Sentiasa peka terhadap waktu, jangan berlengah-lengah atau bertangguh dalam melaksanakan sesuatu tugas.
Sesungguhnya kita adalah insan yang mulia.
Insan yang mulia ini mempunyai potensi dan setiap potensi harus diusaha untuk mendapatkan hasilnya
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